Friday, April 29, 2011

Having A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

   Many can say that Jesus is their Savior and they have been saved. But how many christians can say that they have a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Many are confused by this subject. How can you have a personal relationship with Jesus?
(1) Listen! 
   You cannot just pray to God every single night for financial help, family issues, or any other needs that you have. You have to listen to him! How do we listen to him? It begins with reading His word. The bible has so much advice and help for us if we would just read and open up our hearts to God. If you are in a relationship, and only the girl talks but the guy never responds, it most likely will not work out. You have to stop and listen. Go into your room or a quiet outdoors place today and read your bible. Stop to listen and God will tell you what he wants you to hear.
(2) Don't be a Sunday morning Christian!
  Many people can say they go to church every Sunday. But how many of those people can say that they put into action what they learn at church? I am guilty of this! I will learn about how gossip is wrong at church on Sunday, but whenever the school week begins, I seem to forget all about it! People watch and study christians more than any other group of people. Many can call christians hypocrites. A person who shouts and praises God on Sunday, may be found at a club drunk during the week or cussing out a person who cuts them off on the interstate. Jesus wants us to praise him not only on Sundays but everyday of the week! My Sunday School teacher once told me, "If you think you are standing still in your relationship with Jesus Christ then you are really falling backwards, towards the devils evil ways." Don't let this happen! Read your bible daily and memorize scripture so you may be ready to fight the devil when he attacks you and grow stronger in your relationship with Jesus Christ! Don't leave your Holy Bible on the bookshelf all week until church on Sunday. Take it out and study it. Be an every day of the week christian!
   I hope I have left you with something to think about over the weekend. God has great plans for you, but you have to grow united with him first. Please leave comments below if you have any questions or comments. I love hearing feedback from the readers! God bless and have a great afternoon!


  1. Wow what awsome young lady u are your dad shared this blog site with me this am ha e a blessed day. Jill

  2. I really enjoy the level of depth and the amount of passion you share in your blogs. Most people don't have a personal relationship with Jesus. God entered my family's lives through the past 3 years and I would have to say that we have a very close relationship with Jesus. We are not a Christian family by label but each of us as individuals has a personal relationship with Jesus as our Savior. God's grace is the most important aspect of this relationship. His grace is very extensive being that we have free will, He shows us how we have hurt Him with our iniquities, He burdens us, He teaches us that His Son is our Salvation, and then He calls us to be a part of His family as He forgives us and GIVES US FAITH IN HIM. His grace then SAVES us. Most people stop there but God's grace also sanctifies us and helps us grow in Him. It is certainly not of ourselves. God's grace is AMAZING and it has been a blessing to have this enter my family's life. We can't grow ourselves to be closer to God by trying to apply certain aspects of His Word, the fruit of the Spirit is certainly of the Spirit and any good acts that come out of us is really the work that God is doing in us. Without God, those works would be like stapled on fruit and displeasing to the Father. We must continue to read His Word and just as God gives us faith through it (Romans 10:17), so will He sanctify us and move His Spirit within us to grow in Christ. Resting in Christ and the faith God has given us can also result in Spiritual Growth because the faith God has given us can certainly move the mountains of sin that we continually give in to! God is surely a great God that has given His life for us, not only His physical life but the new everlasting life we now have in Him. Praise be to God and thank-you for your posts!
